Performance Improvement
From The Inside-Out
About Our Company

Beliefs and Mission
To deliver a Real Difference
We offer a proven track record in mentoring and coaching people at all levels, from different backgrounds and cultures having worked in senior management positions in line and staff roles for country, regional and Global offices.
The more you realise that conventional training and teaching styles often fall short in delivering desired results, the more you acknowledge the value of transformational coaching to deliver sustainable results and learning.
Performance from the inside out is achieved using proven techniques and processes (NLP, EFT, Hypnosis, Sport and Exercise psychology – see services for full description) for mindset and behavior change.

Fulfilling your goals
"The only limitations we have are the ones we put on ourselves”
And as you are guided towards achieving your goals you learn to be aware of and overcome potential obstacles while recognising the unlimited opportunities.
Transformational Coaching
Sustainable positive change and results
Balanced Life
What Our Clients Say
He is a detail oriented person who is a very strong communicator and leader.
In addition to his Malaysian responsibilities Colin also facilitated regional Sales training which proved to be very successful with a culturally diverse group.
Colm O'Flaherty

Niall Morrissey

I have had many years of AppliedNLP™ training during my years working for and with Colin. I have also attended AppliedNLP™ training conducted by Manjeet, whom I have found to be one of the best NLP trainers I have trained with.
Colin and Manjeet are now conducting joint training using AppliedNLP™ in all areas of business. Rentwise continues to engage with them and unlike many training programmes where the trainers have little business experience, they both are two phenomenally experienced business professionals having worked in top management roles in leading businesses. Manjeet and Colin jointly delivering AppliedNLP™ training is an incredible differentiator and value add. They bring with them a wealth of experience and will change the way your organization thinks, communicates and delivers results.
Leanne Ooi