Health, Fitness and Lifestyle Coaching.
Health and Fitness coaching one to one in a private studio.

About Me

Colin Whitehead

I have “worked out” since early childhood and competed in Martial arts internationally for many years. Although I had a long corporate career with over 30 years in Asian and International locations, I always maintained my interest in health, fitness and motivational strategies completing various diploma’s along the way.


In 2022 I retired from full time corporate work to coach full time in Cyprus and Malaysia. Primarily this is a programme I call “Gym Ready”. It’s an 8-12 week programme that includes a full individual evaluation, motivational strategies and workouts in a private studio (commercial equipment). The end goal is that any client will be ready to either re-enter or indeed enter for the first time a gym/fitness centre and have the confidence and skills to embark on a permanent lifestyle change.


My clients range from people returning to working out after a lay off (often married people who trained when younger then family and work commitments took precedence), People intimidated at joining a fitness / gym facility to older people wanting to ensure they maintain good levels of fitness and mobility as they age  (prevent or minimize Sarcopenia (loss of lean muscle and associated issues.).


  1. Sports Psychology. Dip. UK
  2. NLP Sport and Performance Specialist.
  3. Master NLP Practitioner.
  4. Certified Personal trainer (Advanced). IFBB
  5. Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist. NASM
  6. Certified Senior Fitness Specialist. NASM
  7. Multiple Martial arts qualifications ranging from Goju Ryu Karate (3rd Dan) to Military Krav Maga (Instructor).

What to expect,

Unconditioned clients – 8 to 12 week programme.

We would start with a full fitness and motivational assessment. Post this I will customize a programme for you that will include motivational strategies, actual one on one workouts at my private home studio. Sessions would be twice a week and typically last 60 minutes. For the physical training I apply the NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) OPT model that builds fitness through a process involving stabilization, Strength and Power training. On completion of the programme you will have the skills and confidence to go to a commercial fitness centre / gym.

Senior clients - anti-aging – 12 week programme.

Mobility is life !!! It’s that simple and as populations age the majority accept the loss of mobility as “just part” of growing older. I work with clients using creative ways to design individualized programs to meet the needs of active aging adults through evidence-based practices. I am qualified to work on both the physiological and psychological needs. Each client’s programme is highly customised, progressive and low risk. I am always conscious of possible limitations, correct technique is prioritized and care taken around any existing conditions. On completion of the programme you will have improved stability and strength. You will have the skills and knowledge to continue exercising alone.

Some notes on sarcopenia : what is it?

Quite literally, it translates to ‘lack of flesh’. Gross right? It’s an age-related muscle disease, born of an imbalance between signals for muscle cell growth and muscle tear down. As a result, people begin to look flabby, but not necessarily appearing to have any more body fat – things just look looser and floppy.

Can we stop Sarcopenia?

Honestly, we can’t reverse or stop the ageing process — I’d be a rich man if I could unlock that door for you. But, amazingly, a combination of resistance, cardiovascular and balance training can prevent and even reverse muscle loss. This will dramatically improve mobility and the quality of life as we age.

Resistance Training,

Surprise, surprise, as with many other health issues, regular resistance training is your best weapon in the fight against Sarcopenia. It’s the optimal way to increase mass (reverse) and prevent loss (stop). There are now significant numbers of controlled studies on aging demonstrating that resistance training can significantly increase muscle strength and consequently mobility and quality of life. I suggest to all my clients to google for themselves !

Diet and nutrition,

Sarcopenia can be accelerated by poor nutrition and diet, so it logically follows that you can absolutely make changes to your diet that encourage muscle building. Generally however as people age they move to a carbohydrate dense diet and eat less quality protein.

So this is an obvious but neglected one. Protein. Protein. Protein. 

Protein increases muscle growth, that is true for people of all ages. Protein can both stop and reverse the Sarcopenia, so get a protein source into every meal and focus on foods rich in protein such as meat, eggs, fish and quality protein powders.

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